Pico CTF 2014 : Substitution

There’s an authorization code for some Thyrin Labs information here, along with someone’s favorite song. But it’s been encrypted! Find the authorization code. encrypted.txt

Hint: You may want to look at what the relative frequencies of letters in english text are.

The hint said the frequencies of letters in english. So, the first time I saw the encrypted text is 3 characters at the first sentence. Guess what? That must be “The” word. Mark those 3.

And then look at other word that seems familiar. For example, 4 characters word that have T, H and E such as “THEY” and so on.

After figuring out one by one of the substitution cipher. I got the result like this:

Screenshot from 2015-05-29 22:30:30


Maybe I got the flag 😉

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